<Standard Units>[]
The main and first faction you play as in Superbox Siege Defense. They're obviously based off the Cameramen in Skibidi Toilet. They're the first faction you play as to defend the city from the Boxes, although they're not alone in this fight. The very first character you can buy and play as is the Telescope, costing 0 points to buy. (The Characters you play as goes in order from the ingame Character Menu.)
>>Telescopes & TelescopesVariants[]
Ah, the main forces of the Telescope Faction! Here, you can play as the characters listed down below(besides Titan Telescope who needs a gamepass), most of which costs atleast a little over 10 points!
(In-advance Telescope Fact: Some units here can be infected with the Parasite Box, which will turn the character/player against their own team and join the Boxes side.)
The Telescope, having a balanced HP of 100 and can run which wastes his stamina bar, and can dash. Spawns with the Laser Gun as your first weapon(can shoot down crates to open them) and your fists(NormalPunch), and can be infected.
Scientist Telescope[]
The Scientist Telescope, mostly being the same as the Telescope but now spawns with the Anti Parasite Gun and Stun Gun, and has 100 HP.
- [F] Heal Grenade - Throws a pyramind-shaped like sci-fi grenade that, after a short while, generates a small blue hue around it that can quickly regenerate your HP back to 100%.
- [Q] Dash - Dashes, which costs some of your stamina.
Large Telescope[]
The Large Telescope, being an overall better bigger variant than both the Scientist and regular Telescope, spawning with a hefty(for new-players) HP of 450, can stomp using leftshift but loses his run, but can still dash. You have several new tools, such as the Punch tool which deals 45 damage to any Box hit, the Grab tool, which grabs the nearest small Box and instantly kill them, and the Kick tool which deals 85 damage and stuns the Box hit for a short bit.
- [Q] Dash - You dash where your character is facing, dealing 15 damage to any Box in your way.
- [Q with Shield Equipped] Shield Bash - Shield bashes any Box near you, dealing 55 damage and knocking them back.
- [F] Shield Equip - Equips your Shield with an unlimited usage time, resisting damage taken.
Ninja Telescope[]
The Ninja Telescope, having 350 HP, being obviously inspired by the Plunger/Ninja Cameraman from the Skibidi Toilet Series, spawns with the Cutterattack/BoxCutter tool which deals 10 damage.
- [F] Uppercut - This will uppercut the Box in melee-fashion, dealing 12 damage and sending them in the air.
- [F] Parry - By equipping the Box cutters, you will instead do a parry. Any Box that hits your parry loses 67 Health, regenerating a bit of health back and also giving you Iframes.
- [G] Homing Attack - The Upgraded Ninja Telescope spins rapidly, targeting enemies and dealing 45 damage to all within range.
- [Q] Dash - A quick dash that stuns and deals 35 damage to any enemy struck, stunning them in the process, provided the cutters are equipped. Can only hit one Box.
- [Z] Spin Slash] - A stronger, cutter-enhanced spin attack that leaves behind striking particle effects, dealing 60 damage and stunning them to any Box near you while knocking them away. (Note: This ability is unavailable on mobile due to interface overlap with the Homing Attack button.)
- [Spacebox x2] Jetpack - Unlike the Ninja Telescope, the Upgraded Ninja Telescope is able to travel long distances by utilizing the Jetpack.
Sharpshooter Telescope[]
The Sharpshooter Telescope, 600 HP, being obviously inspired by the CameraWoman from the Skibidi Toilet Series, spawns with an ArmCannon that, If successfully hits a Box, deals 50 damage and stuns them for a fair(2? secocnds) amount of time.
The unique thing about this Telescope is that, It is currently the ONLY character in the game capable of spawning units, Titan Telescope used to spawn units before it was replaced by the shield ability.
- [F] Mechanical Fire - The Sharpshooter Telescope will create a sparking sound before moving her head downwards, pushing up the gun behind her back over her head. This marks every Box that is alive(and wasn't spawned after), and clicking on them will make the gun fire at them, dealing 10 damage and stunning them for a short time.
- [G] Airdrop Summon - Calls down a Telescope Airship, which spawns several Allied NPC Telescopes. Large cooldown.
Upgraded Ninja Telescope[]
The Upgraded Ninja Telescope, having 350 HP. At this point, you may think to yourself, "hey! the first upgraded unit we've seen so far!". Unfortunately... ALL of Upgraded Ninja Telescope's abilities are the same as his non-upgraded version, but some deals more damage and can now fly using his jetpack by double pressing spacebar. His Box Cutters are also upgraded, now stunning the enemy after the last hit.
- [F] Uppercut - This will uppercut the Box in melee-fashion, dealing 12 damage and sending them in the air.
- [F] Parry - By equipping the Box cutters, you will instead do a parry. Any Box that hits your parry loses 67 Health, regenerating a bit of health back and also giving you Iframes.
- [G] Homing Attack - The Upgraded Ninja Telescope spins rapidly, targeting enemies and dealing 45 damage to all within range.
- [Q] Dash - A quick dash that stuns and deals 35 damage to any enemy struck, stunning them in the process, provided the cutters are equipped. Can only hit one Box.
- [Z] Spin Slash] - A stronger, cutter-enhanced spin attack that leaves behind striking particle effects, dealing 60 damage and stunning them to any Box near you while knocking them away. (Note: This ability is unavailable on mobile due to interface overlap with the Homing Attack button.)
- [Spacebox x2] Jetpack - Unlike the Ninja Telescope, the Upgraded Ninja Telescope is able to travel long distances by utilizing the Jetpack.
Strider Telescope[]
The Strider Telescope, having 1000 HP. The Strider Telescope is a good stepping stone to the Mid-Game Characters(in thegreatestguestinhistory's opinion), having a automatic Cannon Blast gun located on its underbelly which deals 8 damage per hit, and its unique ability.
- [F] Warp Cannon - After charging up its main Telescope, It will fire a beam towards the nearest Box, dealing 160 damage on contact and 80 damage to any Box caught within the small explosion.
- [Shift] Stomp - This will stomp the ground using its right leg, dealing 280 damage to those stabbed by the leg directly and 140 damage to other Boxes.
Mech Telescope[]
The Mech Telescope, having 950 HP. The Mech Telescope is a decent boundary between Support and Offensive capabilities, spawning in with 3 unique tools and 1 common tool. The Gunshoot, dealing 20 damage in bursts of 3 shots, the RocketFire, dealing 45 damage on hit and 15 AOE damage, and the Stun-Dart, which stuns Boxes for a very short period of time, and the common tool being, well, the Anti Parasite Gun.
- [F] Defense - Generate a personal forcefield around you, negating any damage taken for a short period of time.
Engineer Telescope[]
The Engineer Telescope, having 600 HP, being a upgraded variant from the Scientist Telescope, and it deserves that. Unlike the Scientist Telescope, It may not spawn with the Anti Parasite Gun and StunGun but spawns with the Fix tool, but it does have 2 abilities that makes it stand out.
- [F] Turret - Spawns a automatic Telescope Turret that deals 8 damage per hit. Health can be repaired using the Fix Tool.
- [G] Shield Generator - Summons a Shield Generator on your current position with a large forcefield around it, blocking all Boxes and damage and letting Allies pass by the forcefield. Cannot be repaired and dissapears after a while.
Advanced Telescope[]
The Advanced Telescope, 300 HP. Instead of having the Run ability, he instead has the Slide ability, which is a old ability veterans of SBSD know very much about. This is much faster than regular Running, although you cannot change your direction while sliding and this is automatically disabled in collision with buildings. There are combos with the Slide, that being:
- [Shift] Dash Jump - Jumping right after dashing enables the Advanced Telescope to dash in the air at extremely high speeds, but depletes the stamina bar to a very low number.
- Slide Jump - Jump after sliding with a very short delay. If done correctly, the Advanced Telescope will move extremely fast across an area.
- [Shift] Speedy Fall - Sliding in the air causes the Advanced Telescope to fall rapidly.
- [Shift] GROUNDSLAM - Hold Left Shift while fast falling to perform a GROUNDSLAM.
>>Tier 2 - Upgraded Telescope Units & Variants[]
Ah, here we are again, we meet some old dogs with new tricks, and new faces with current tricks! Here, you can play as the listed characters below with a fair price of points, all of which are over 199 points! Do note however that you MUST need 5 wins in order to purchase or browse the units.
Upgraded Telescope[]
The Upgraded Telescope, having 600 HP this time, being obviously a better version of the regular Telescope. Unlike the regular Telescope, this time Upgraded Telescope spawns with 3 weapons/tools. The Stunstick, being a melee variant of the Stungun, and when spammed on regulara Boxes this can effectively stunlock them while dealing 10 damage, the Stungun, being well, a stunning weapon, and the Anti Parasite Gun. The Upgraded Telescope can also fly by double jumping as well.
Upgraded Large Telescope[]
The Upgraded Large Telescope, 850 HP, and is a better variant of the Large Telescope, and his abilities also changes in the air(literally only one ability changes). Unlike his regular version however, he loses his Shield in exchange for a Defense ability. He also spawns with his Punch tool that deals 71 damage, his grab, and now spawns with his new tool, the Large Rockets. This deals 170 damage maximum and 85 AOE damage.
- [Space x2] Jetpack - Fly for a certain amount of time.
- [LShift] Stomp - Smash the ground to deal AoE damage. Has a 1s cooldown.
- [LShift, Flying] Ground Smash - When you stop flying, you generate a shockwave dealing AoE damage.
- [F] Defense - Generate a giant explosion that deals AoE damage, and temporarily makes you indestructible. Has a 4s cooldown.
- [Q] Dash - You lean forward slightly and then move forward very fast. Has a 2.5s cooldown.
- [Q, Flying] Fast Jetpack - Increases your jetpack speed for 2 seconds.
Glitch Telescope[]
The Glitch Telescope, the actual upgraded ninja telescope, having 600 HP, and is overall very good for middle players. Glitch Telescope spawns with the dual Electro Boxcutters/NinjaAttack2, which deals 100 damage on hit. His real shining star is his signature ability, however.
- [Q] Electro Dash - A quick burst of movement, during which the character attacks with its Electro Box Cutters, dealing 30+ damage.
- [G] Forcefield - Blue particles appear, granting Glitch Telescope a temporary forcefield for protection, which negates all damage hit for the short period of time.
- [F] Heal - Green particles appear around Glitch Telescope, healing Glitch Telescope.
- [Z] Glitch Box - The signature ability of Glitch Telescope. It deals damage upon contact with a Box, and the user can click or tap on the target icon to automatically ram into the target, dealing 60+(?) damage.
- [Space x2] Jetpack - Flies in the air for a certain amount of time.
Upgraded Sharpshooter Telescope[]
The Upgraded Sharpshooter Telescope, having 700 HP but loses her Spawn ability. She can still run though, and also spawns with a single Electro Box Cutter, dealing 150 damage on hit. Her real shining ability is her Ultra Fire, however.
- [F] Ultra Fire - Upgraded Sharpshooter Telescope moves the mechanical gun on her back over her head, marking all currently living Boxes, dealing a whopping 800 damage per hit and 500 AOE damage. Do note that this has a short period of time before it deactivates, so be quick.
- [Q] Grenades - Throws 2 tape grenades, dealing 250 damage on hit. Also activates instantly if a Box was hit directly by the grenade.
- [G] Fire - Uses her mechanical guns located on her forearms, marking all currently living Boxes, dealing 40 damage on hit and stunning them for a short period of time.
- [Space x2] Jetpack - Flies in the air for a certain amount of time.
Upgraded Strider Telescope[]
>>Titan Unit & Variants[]
Ah, the Titan Telescope. Pretty obviously inspired by the Titan Cameraman. Anyways, you should know what a Titan do, right? If you knew Skibidi Toilet, then yes. If not, for some reason, have a normal time reading what Titan Telescope can do! (Note: This is before Titan Telescope had been Upgraded, Damaged, Repaired and Improved.)
(Fun Titan fact: Only the Titan Boombox and his damaged variant can be infected with the Large Parasite Box.)
Titan Telescope[]
The Titan Telescope, the (not-so-)secret weapon of the Telescopes. He's similar to a Telescope but Titan-sized, equipped with better weapons and much more stronger overall. Compared to Titan Tesla Man or Titan Boombox, Titan Telescope is equally balanced in terms of strength and durability, serving as a good frontline tank assuming you have robux to buy the gamepass. He also has 3500 HP.
- [Left Shift/L2] Orb - Titan Telescope will charge up a giant orb for 3 seconds in its core with a pixel like noise before holding it in and then releasing it to any enemies in the range of the orb dealing 400+ damage and leaving behind a blue sphere expanding quickly and deals 280 damage before disappearing.
- [F/X] Stomp -
- Titan Telescope will lift its arms up and then will raise its right leg before stomping onto the ground causing a shockwave dealing 175 damage and knockbacking any enemies caught within the shockwave with the shockwave slowly fading away in the process.
- [G] Titan Shield - Titan Telescope will use his extendable shield from his left arm to block damage for a couple of seconds
- [E/R2] Brawler Combo - Titan Telescope will punch 2 hits doing around 225 damage (if both fists successfully hits the enemy) to any enemy caught within the fist's range.
- [Q] Laser Blast - Titan Telescope will charge up preparing to shoot out a large laser beam from its core before slightly spinning around creating a loud bright blue laser that deals 40+ DPT 80 times with its animations shifting into a different animation before shortly after stopping meanwhile in the process will cause screen shake.
[TOOL] Titan Punch - Titan Telescope will punch an enemy dealing 167 damage
[TOOL] Finger Orb Blast - Titan Telescope will use his finger blaster to release a neon blue orb to the enemies, dealing 110 damage and stuns the enemy for 5 seconds.
An upgraded version of TitanTelescope
For more information, see this page => UltraTitanTelescope